Isa Melsheimer & Tim Ingold
In light of the climate crisis, how can we rethink our consumption, transform our approach to the living world, and restructure the cities of tomorrow?
The podcast Creators facing Climate Emergency proposes conversations between artists and scientists to create new narratives, raise awareness and act in the face of climate change, using artists as mediators. For its back-to-school programming, the foundation invites the German artist Isa Melsheimer and the British anthropologist Tim Ingold for a conversation on the symbiosis between humans and the living. Inspired by modernist and postmodernist architecture, Isa Melsheimer’s works question conceptions of human beings and nature, built space and society, and echo to Tim Ingold’s recent research about environmental perception and skilled practice.
In light of the climate crisis, how can we rethink our consumption, transform our approach to the living world, and restructure the cities of tomorrow?
These conversations also propose new ways of producing and disseminating art in the face of our fragile environment and accelerating technological change.