Couverture du livre

Créateurs face à l'urgence climatique


Anaïs Tondeur & Marine Legrand

Biosphere and body fluids
Laura Huertas

Laura Huertas Millán & Jean-Louis Tornatore

No transition without trance

Daniel Steegmann Mangrané & Teresa Castro

Feral thought and the queering of nature

Lia Giraud & Marie Rebecchi

Algægraphies and the power of plants: for an ecology of images

Ariane Michel & Sabrina Speich

L'océan, clé de l'avenir de notre humanité

Claudia Comte & Mónica Bello

Art Genève

Maurizio Montalti & Christian Sinicropi

Acting and thinking like a mushroom

Chus Martínez & Alex Jordan

Animal behavior and non-human esthetics in times of climate challenges

Fernando García-Dory & Xenia Chiaramonte

The new imaginaries of law

Arturo Escobar & matali crasset

Towards a design of pluriversity

Emmanuel Tibloux and Samuel Tomatis

Designing rural worlds